You may be familiar with the concept of detoxification when it comes to the body, but did you know that it’s important to detox other parts of your life as well? One of the aspects of our life that we often fail to detox is one that we spend the majority of our time in: our homes. Of course we recognize the importance of cleaning and organizing our homes, but many of us forget that it’s possible for toxins to accumulate in the place where we live in addition to our bodies.
In reality, our homes are filled with toxins. In fact, the average household contains hundreds to thousands of chemicals and is at least twice as polluted as the outside air. Although most of these toxins are easily processed by the human body, they have been proven to have negative effects on our nervous, immune, respiratory, endocrine, and cardiovascular systems in extreme cases.
Many of the causes of the excess toxins in our homes, such as wall insulation and carpetings, are common additions we make to increase its comfort. For this reason, it would be unreasonable to expect to clear out all the toxins in our homes. Instead, there are simple tasks we can do on a daily basis to live as cleanly as possible without making any major changes to our lives.
1. Avoid wearing shoes inside
Think about everything your shoes step on during the day – dirt and pesticides may be the cleanest of all those things, and even these toxins have a huge effect on the air in your home. When you remove your shoes prior to entering your home and opt for clean socks or slippers instead, you keep these toxins parked outside the door and make your house a healthier place to live.
2. Mop up the dust
Believe it or not, the harmless-looking dust that accumulates on our dressers can actually be extremely toxic to our bodies as it contains chemicals that have been linked to some illnesses and cancers. By mopping as often as possible or using a vacuum with a HEPA-filter, you can kick those dust bunnies out of their corners and out from under the bed.
3. Use greener cleaning products
Many of the products that are supposed to make our homes “cleaner” are actually adding harmful chemicals into our air. But did you know that most of these products can be replaced by everyday household items? For example, vinegar can be used in place of bleach, especially to clean kitchen counters. Baking soda and Tea Tree oil are also popular green cleaning products that take away the toxins instead of adding them.
4. Monitor your home’s carbon monoxide levels
Investing in a smart or digital carbon monoxide detector is definitely worth the price. Carbon monoxide leaks from gas water heaters, stoves, and fireplaces can sneak up on you. Carbon monoxide is one toxin that you should not mess around with.
5. Keep your windows open
Even in the winter, you should air out your home by opening the windows for five to ten minutes every other day. Not only will this cleanse the air that’s already in your house, but it will also refresh the environment – you’ll be surprised how much better you feel in your home after just one purge.
By devoting yourself to detoxifying your home on a regular basis, you are also promising to detox your body. Think about it: we constantly breathe in the air in our homes, so it obviously has a huge effect on the toxins in our bodies. Think of this home detox as a form of necessary self care and take care of the places you live – your body and your house.
Article courtesy of Sunburst Superfoods.