The fall season always gets us in the mood for apple picking, baking pies or warming up with some hot apple cider. However, apples are enjoyed year-round. On their own, in sweet and savory dishes, or turned into cider – so many ways to enjoy apples.
It is believed that apples originated millions of years ago in Asia and were then brought to the Americas by early settlers. The apples grown in the colonies were not the sweet varieties we know today. They were a rather bitter apple that was primarily used for making cider – a very popular drink in England at the time. What’s Cooking America “History and Legends of Apples” has a wonderful article highlighting both the history of apples as well as helpful tips and other interesting facts.
Does an apple a day help keep the doctor away? There is a lot of research out there that promotes the health benefits of apples. They are rich in vitamins, filled with fiber and may help with weight loss, heart disease, asthma, and other ailments. Healthline’s “10 Impressive Health Benefits of Apples” gives us quick overview.
Here are a few of our favorite recipes that include apples as the star of the dish or incorporate them into a savory recipe to add a bit of sweetness. Either way, most everyone loves apples and they are so good for you.